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Durham, NC


33 Easy (not cheesy) ways to have more fun this Spring!
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33 Easy (not cheesy) ways to have more fun this Spring!

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Spring is here and we could not be more excited! 

Not only because Yair and I are from tropical regions and can’t do cold…or that NC is full of amazing beautiful flowers…but also, of course we can do so many different fun things with plants!

I am always thinking about our happiness levels and how to have more fun. 

One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was from a therapist who told me, 

“make sure you do at least one fun thing everyday.”

And I live by that.

So I started a list of things that are fun to do or make me happy in Spring and then I sat down with Yair and, our 6 year old, Oliver to add their ideas to the to list.

Here is our list of things we actually love to do in Spring:

  1. Decorate the house and workspaces with new plants
  2. Have the house clean and clutter free
  3. Open all the windows in your house for fresh air every warm day
  4. Go out and feel the sun
  5. Have a picnic in a park
  6. Take a nap in the grass 
  7. Make a list of outdoor cafés and restaurants to frequent (chocolate croissants in cafe gardens with one friend at a time)
  8. Send everyone you love a random card, letter, or plant in the mail
  9. Propagate some overgrown plants
  10.  Pick wildflowers for your home and/or for people you love
  11. Explore a botanical garden
  12. Mix up a pitcher of margaritas, make caipirinhas (my favorite - from Brazil for something new), or whatever your favorite drink is!
  13. Pick strawberries at a farm
  14. Visit the farmers market to eat the seasonal fruits and vegetables: spinach, asparagus, sugar snap peas, apricots, artichokes.
  15. Plan a spring vacation 
  16. Repot our plants
  17. See baby animals at a farm (fulfill my lifelong dream to hold a tiny baby pig)
  18. Pet a bunny. (If you’re local, you can come pet our three)
  19. Skip stones across water 
  20. Draw pictures on the sidewalk with chalk (leaves and flowers down the driveway)
  21. Wade in a creek 
  22. Find ducks and coy fish to watch 
  23. Last chance to see lots of manatees in the hot springs in Florida
  24. Climb a tree (or for me, watch Oliver climb trees while I lay in the grass - can you tell I love laying in grass?)
  25. Blow bubbles - get different wands and things to try / make giant bubbles
  26. Look for four-leaf clovers 
  27. Fly a kite 
  28. Get a bird feeder - listen to the birds sing -  identify some birds
  29. Go horseback riding
  30. Go to the beach when it’s warm
  31. See cherry blossoms + Japanese magnolias at a botanical garden (like right now)
  32. Plant a spring garden (or even just a plant or two in pots - peppers are pretty easy)
  33. Add some fresh flowers from the farmer’s market to spots you love to sit in your house

Some amazing bonuses from all the plant ideas…

Plants make us happy and are scientifically proven to make us happier and help us feel better

BUT, DID YOU KNOW??  soil microbes have a natural antidepressant quality - playing in dirt can boost your serotonin levels leading you to feel calmer and happier. 

Yes, please.

I hope our list helps you find some different ways to have more fun this Spring! 

Tell us what your plans are!

xo, Seana